Frequently Asked Questions
This may save you a call
Are you a UPS store? - No. We hold and send out return packages for UPS customers but outside of that we have no other capabilities or control over the UPS system.
Do you have my package? - Maybe... We receive deliveries from UPS once or twice a day. Final drop off is usually around 6 pm Monday thru Friday and "some" Saturdays.
How do I know if my package has been delivered to your store? - If you received a notice via email or physical notice on your door punch the Notice number (bottom left corner of physical notice) into the UPS tracking website. This will give you a detailed description on whether your package has arrived at our location or not.
Can I drop packages off at your store? - Yes and No. We only accept UPS packages. Your return must be sealed and have a pre printed UPS label already affixed to the package. We do not accept USPS FedEx Amazon Ect... if you have one of these carriers you must make other arrangements
Can I use the barcode or QR code on my phone for returns? - No. We do not accept packages unless they have a physical return label affixed to them.
Do you have packing material? - Outside of selling tape we do not provide packing martial for your return,
How long will you hold a package? - 5 business days. If you are unable to retrieve your package in that time, please call so we can make arrangements for you.
What happens to my package after the 5 day window? - On day 6 we send your package off with the next UPS drive that comes in.
Can I use Vincent's Market address to send my packages? - No. If you would like your packages to be sent to our location you must first sign up for a UPS Access Point account. After Creating an account you can choose our address as your package destination. All your UPS packages will then be directed to our address. This function can be turned on and off through the UPS access point web site if so desired.
What happens if I use your address for my shipment? - We can not accept any packages that are addressed to us unless they are ours. Packages that use our address will be refused at time of delivery.
Why did my package go to your store? - We have zero insight as to why packaged are sent to our location. Some are directed on purpose other are here because they are of a curtain value. Why they end up here is completely up to UPS.
Do you have a weight limit or other restrictions? - We can not accept or send out packages over 30lbs. We can also refuse any packed we deem to bulky to store appropriately. UPS does not allow us to accept electronics such as cell phones or TV's. Also any form of frozen packaged product will be refused at delivery.
Where do I go to retrieve my package? - When you enter our building head towards the customer service window. This is located on the other side of the first check out lane next to the wine.
What do I need to pick up a package? - You will need a photo ID with either the same name or address that matches the package. Another person can only pick up your package if they share the same address.